Homemade Butter in 2 Minutes with video tutorial

Food processor butter.jpg

Do you love creamy, rich butter? I know I do. Which is why I wear giant stretchy pants. We actually don't eat an inordinate amount of butter at our house, usually just Saturday mornings when we have our weekly pancake breakfast. 

I have wondered for a long time how to make butter at home using fresh cream. I decided to give it a try. 

Boy, it was easy and it only took on ingredient. Cream. And it only took 2 minutes!

What you'll need"

4 cups cream

1/8 tsp sea salt or Kosher salt (optional)

A food processor


Let your cream rise to room temperature. 

Then pour it in your food processor. Hit on and let that thing swirl and swirl for two minutes. 


When it is finished you will need to separate the butter solids from the butter milk.  Just strain through a cheese cloth or tea towel. You can store your buttermilk for later use to make cornbread.


 The butter will only keep in the fridge for a week or two. But you can keep it in the freezer for a while. 

For more fun ideas visit Betsy at Romance on a Dime for Take it on Tuesday