Stuck inside? FIVE YouTube channels to get kids up and moving

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Do you find yourself stuck inside with your kids? Maybe it’s weather, a natural disaster, or if you’re reading this in 2020 a global pandemic, that’s keeping your kids indoors more than usual. Personally, our family spends a LOT of time outside. And when we don’t get our yard time it shows. So I turn to some YouTube channels that promote movement.

Cosmic Kids Yoga.

This is a favorite. It’s yoga for kids that is led through a story. Some videos are themed, for example back to school, bed time or the zoo. Sometimes videos feature popular characters like Moana, Star Wars and Spiderman. Either way it’s always fun and great movement.

Kids Bop Dance.

Need some sweet dance moves to burn off some energy. I’m not going to lie, some of these songs are just awful. The lyrics are so cheesy and the singing. But it gets my kids dancing and moving and not bouncing off the walls (literally).

Move to Learn

This channel features dance videos for kids in preK through high school (so be careful, some playlists aren’t for smaller kids).

20 Online

This channel teaches kids movement, sports skills and keeps them moving for 20 minutes. There are only four videos for kids on this channel, but we use them frequently.

Born to Move

Superhero moves, dancing and more. This channel is great for burning up some energy fast!